Where’s the Moose?

Back in the eighties, Wendy’s released a classic TV commercial. Octogenarian Clara Peller captivated the nation by demanding to know just one little thing about a Wendy’s competitor’s burger: “Where’s the beef?”Sarah-mania (Palin, that is) is now captivating the nation. Palin is, so the reports go, a maverick executive. She takes on corruption and wins. Her...
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Time for Some Campaignin’!

I love the folks at JibJab. They really can stick it to the man. In this case, they’re stickin’ it to two men, a couple of women, and a whole bunch of Washington types. Brilliant!Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
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Still a Fangirl

Earlier this politicking season, I came out. I declared myself a fangirl for Elizabeth Edwards (read why here). Given her rant in the New York Times yesterday, I’m glad I’m a fangirl.Her basic argument is that this presidential campaign has been determined by a narrative outline tacitly accepted by the press. The candidates are their image, and anything that strays outside the image...
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Building the Perfect Beast

DH and I got into an interesting conversation on our way home from work yesterday. If you could build the perfect president by choosing one quality held by each of the presidents who have been in office since you’ve been alive, which qualities would you pick? I like the question because it takes real thought and discernment to answer. No vilifying of any of the presidents because you...
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What Really Matters: Political Edition

Much is being made these days over trivial matters, at least when it comes to candidates for President: Clinton’s “boys’ club” remarks. Obama’s flag pin, or lack thereof. Edwards’s hair. Romney’s flips (or flops). Thompson’s energy level. Giuliani’s wives, plural. Kucinich’s UFOs. Nearly all the Republicans namechecking Ronald Reagan as...
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