Playing Nice in the Political Sandbox

By now, the informed world is familiar with the Hardball smackdown/sandbagging (choose your term based upon which side of the political fence you graze) featuring conservative pundit Ann Coulter and Elizabeth Edwards, wife of presidential candidate John Edwards. Video clips abound in the blogosphere, in case you’ve been under a rock or, as we Florida teachers have been, waiting less and...
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Miss Mimi Thinks About Washington

One of the great things about Netflix is their deep catalog. That, and being able to log on and add something to your queue every time a “Hey, that looks like a good movie” thought crosses your mind. Because of one of those random thoughts, the Frank Capra/Jimmy Stewart classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington arrived in my mailbox this week.I admit, I’m a sucker for “how to...
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Told Ya So.

HB 941 was withdrawn before introduction today. Its companion bill in the Florida Senate, SB 334 was tabled by the Education Pre-K-12 Committee with a tied vote (3 Yeas, 3 Nays).Could they talk to some teachers before ruling by fiat? Or is that just too much to expect from our so-called “representatives”?Bastards.
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Not Something SENSIBLE

So I stumble across the text of a bill filed in the Florida House today, and discover that someone (namely, Rep. Heller) has finally seen the light. Or something.It’s the Public School Education bill, HB 941. This one, though, does away with the onerous and bass-ackwards A through F school grades and instead would group schools into performance categories: Improving, Maintaining, and...
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What I Saw at the Deployment

Early this morning–and I mean early: from one to three a.m.–mom, sis, and I went on base to see baby bro off to his third deployment to the mideast. Ft. Stewart, GA, is the home of the Third Infantry, so there’s a lot of coming and going in the Hinesville area. When you add the quartermasters, MPs, artillery, etc. that accompany the “Rock of the Marne,” that’s...
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