Building the Perfect Beast

DH and I got into an interesting conversation on our way home from work yesterday. If you could build the perfect president by choosing one quality held by each of the presidents who have been in office since you’ve been alive, which qualities would you pick? I like the question because it takes real thought and discernment to answer. No vilifying of any of the presidents because you don’t like them, even if they deserve it. Here’s my list, starting with Eisenhower since DH was born in 1960.

Eisenhower: Military knowledge. Key info to have, given the state of things in Iraq and Afghanistan these days.

Kennedy: Charisma. Americans are a squirrelly bunch. The “it” factor goes a long way toward getting us moving in the same direction.

Johnson: Pragmatism. A good president has to make the decisions that need to made, even if the country balks at the idea in question. See: civil rights legislation.

Nixon: Willingness to be unpopular. We’re not voting for Homecoming Queen, folks.

Ford: Integrity. We’ll all feel better if we have a President we think is honest and forthright.

Carter: Diplomacy. Carter, more than any of the others, was good at and committed to bringing opposing sides together. We could use a bit more diplomacy and a tad less sabre-rattling.

Reagan: Communication skills. Reagan had a brilliant speechwriter in Peggy Noonan, but his ability to connect with everyone made her words sing and kept us all listening.

Bush I: Foreign policy knowledge. The man was the director of the CIA. Our new president will need to know how to gather and apply information if we’re going to emerge from our current quagmire with our national dignity intact.

Clinton: The common touch. The race for the presidency has devolved into a contest where very wealthy people vie against other very wealthy people for the job, which leaves 98% of us out. Clinton grew up poor and remembered what it was like to buy socks at Wal-Mart. Given the state of the economy lately, that kind of budgetary knowledge would come in handy.

Bush II: Strength of will. Love him or hate him, you have to admit that W knows how to stick to his guns. Spineless weenies need not apply at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

So, military knowledge, charisma, pragmatism, willingness to be unpopular, integrity, diplomacy, communication skills, foreign policy knowledge, the common touch, and strength of will. Pretty tall order, and that’s not including the historical seasoning of Washington’s boldness, Jefferson’s intelligence, Lincoln’s compassion, TR’s environmentalism, and FDR’s economic savvy.

Are you listening, front-runners? Good. Let the best (wo)man win!


  1. Interesting concept. Would that we could actually build such a beast – we’d all be better off.

  2. What a brilliant blog!!! You don’t know me but I’m a friend of Macy’s and, since I’m a political junkie, she said I had to check it out. Very sage, my dear. Love it and I agree.


  3. Thanks, Alyson! I was reading over your swoon movies today and may have to steal that topic sometime. Nice blog yourself!

  4. If we had someone with that combination running, I wouldn’t be in such a dilemma about who I like for November.

    BTW — the 15k in 30 days is my one little personal challenge — a minin Nano of sorts. I’m going to write 15k this month.

    Join me?


  5. Eegads. Call my “type girl”.

    I meant to say:
    BTW — the 15k in 30 days is my oWN little personal challenge — a mini Nano of sorts. I’m going to write 15k this month.

  6. What a great blog. People wonder why my generation doesn’t vote and IMHO it’s b/c our options suck. I’m not of the school, vote for the lesser of two evils. If they all suck, I’m not voting at all. I agree w/ Dara, it would be fabulous if we could just build a president 🙂

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