My Wish for Us

We came, we voted, we waited for Virginia and Montana to get the final numbers straight on their Senate races. Now that the 2006 election is all over but the recounts, some thoughts for my beloved Florida and beyond: Note to President Bush: The voters really have handed you a mandate this time. Listen to them. Try to remember what you were like when you were governor of Texas. You still know...
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Radioactive Republicans

Chez mimi’s been getting a lot of phone calls this week about political candidates. We’re a divided house: one Democrat, one Republican. DH and I figure that splitting the registrations means that each of us can choose the best candidate in the closed-party primary, then vote our respective consciences in the general election.Usually, there’s one obvious candidate on the...
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Me and My R(N)C

Florida’s an interesting state, especially politically. There’s something to be said (I’ll leave it to you to decide whether it’s good or bad) for having the President’s brother as your governor. Another quirk of Florida politics is its reliance on a closed-party primary system. In primaries, you can vote only for candidates from your party. There are a million...
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(Un)Tie a Yellow Ribbon

The goofball has landed.Baby bro (not really a baby at almost 34–he has a birthday coming up!) is back on American soil after nearly a year at the spa-like locales of Ad Diwaniyah and Mosul, Iraq. He’s looking forward to real barbecue and being able to drive to the 7-11 without getting shot at. We’re just glad to have him home and in one piece this time. The last time he was in...
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Biggest Phone Bill Ever

Phone rings. I pick up. I hear, “This is the AT&T operator–“Great, I think, telemarketer, but then he says, “–with a collect call from Iraq. Will you accept the charges?”Hell, yes!It’s baby bro, who has two convoys and a lot of paperwork to execute before climbing on a plane to Kuwait. Woo hoo! January 5 is the big day! He talks to mom. He talks to...
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