Dumbass, Party of One

Ever have one of those days? Today was mine. I’m ferrying Frick and Frack and a friend to a skating party on an end of town I try never to explore, if I can help it. Then, while trying to get turned back around in the second most badly-designed parking lot in the world, I get distracted and WHAM! I hit a curb, Inga lurches unbecomingly, scrape, curse, I manage to cut a hole in the sidewall of my tire. Hole in the sidewall means I have to buy a new tire. Let me remind you, August is ramen month for teachers. I don’t have $136 and change for a new tire. Even if I did, I wouldn’t want to spend it correcting an act of dumbassitude like hitting a freakin’ curb–despite the fact that it was one of those stupid curbs in the middle of an ocean of asphalt. You know, the ones they put there for pretty, or something. Like the big white lines aren’t enough to alert people to PARK THE CAR HERE.

And of course, it’s a special order tire, so I can’t get it put on until Monday. Poor Inga has to creep around town at fewer than 50 mph (her Fast is sooooo not liking that idea) with the full-size spare and its yellow Look! I have a FLAT! sticker. Gah. If I go back to bed, can I wake up to a re-do?


  1. Ooh, I’m so sorry to hear about that. Ick. Hopefully it’s fixed now?

    I saw your comment about lightning on pro-org, and also that you live in Central Florida! So do I. Dunnellon.
    I was just wondering if you were close by because I’d love to eventually have a local, “live” group to meet with. 🙂

  2. Whoops, I just saw that you posted on the 14th. LOL So it’s probably not fixed… 🙂

  3. I’m sorry. 🙁 Hope this week is much, much better.

  4. Hey Jessica! I know Dunnellon well. My people are from Williston. As the kids at my favorite high school would say, “Now that’s COUNTRY.”

    It would be a drive for you, but folks from Inverness have made it: Central Florida Romance Writers. We meet first Saturdays in Orlando. Check us out here: http://www.cfrwa.org
    Maybe we can meet up sometime!

    BTW, it’s Monday–tire’s all fixed now. Inga’s back on all four feet now. 🙂

  5. Hope the rest of the week went better! Good luck in the new school year. Hope we’ll see your smiling face at another meeting soon;-)

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