Musings: Miss Potter

I’m a sucker for movies about writers, so when I saw previews for Miss Potter, I knew I’d want to see it. Of course, like most thoughtful movies about women, it lasted all of two nanoseconds in the theaters, so I had to wait for it to scale the Netflix queue. It was worth the wait.Miss Potter, of course, is the Beatrix Potter of Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddleduck fame. This movie is...
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Musings: Shirley Valentine

I can’t remember which female friend advised–nay, DEMANDED–that I watch Shirley Valentine, but apparently it made enough of an impression that I at least added it to the Netflix queue. Shirley arrived this week, and since we’re off from school today, I popped it in.Well, anonymous friend was right. This was a treat. The film is based on a play of the same name by Willy...
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Ten Movies You’re Excited to See

Summer blockbuster season is upon us! Here are my top ten choices–one’s I’d be willing to spend full price to see…although given the fact that teachers don’t get paid between June and early September, I’ll be spending plenty of time at the dollar movie theater instead…Iron Man. Saw it already. Worth the ticket. A must-buy on DVD when it comes out. This...
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Musings: Down With Love

I tend to get a little nutty when it comes to presents for DH. Poor man never knows what’s coming when I tell him his theme for the year is something like “Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll.” He wonders, of course, but never knows. He wasn’t that confused the year I told him his theme was “Ladies’ man, man’s man, man about town.” That one came...
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Ten Favorite Actors and Actresses

Ooo, a toughie! DH and I love movies. We don’t always agree on what we like, but we love movies. Here are ten faves (not all of the faves, of course, but the ten floating in the front of the cortex at the mo).Ving Rhames – Love his voice, love his attitude. Delivers some of the best one-liners in the business.Edward Norton – I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad...
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