Hedonism Run Amok

So I go to iTunes and download music. This isn’t something I normally do, and I’m ashamed to admit that my iTunes choices aren’t hip, groundbreaking, or anything that would cement my status as a cool chick. They are, however, fun tunes for walking and driving. My latest blush-inducing purchases:”Jump” – Madonna”Love Can Move Mountains” –...
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Fins to the Left!

Caught the middle concert of Jimmy Buffett’s “Blink and You Miss It” Florida mini-tour tonight. Two and a half hours of Parrothead madness. Lucky for us, he was dowsing the deep waters of the catalog. I heard things I haven’t heard him play in years–“Floridays,” “Son of a Son of a Sailor,””One Particular Harbor,”...
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I Heart the Dixie Chicks!

If you do not buy yourself a copy of the Dixie Chicks’ new CD Taking the Long Way, you are committing a musical crime against yourself. This is easily the best CD I’ve heard in ages. Plus, the Chicks are brave, outspoken Southern gals, and you gotta love that! Let’s hear it for speaking out, even if you say unpopular things.
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Guilty Pleasures

Time to glean the iPod. Turns out some of the downloads always get skipped, so it’s time to prune them off to make room for more stuff. One deficit seemed to be bubblegum. It’s embarrassing. But still, bubblegum pop is catchy and fun to play when you’re in the car.But since my CD collection leans in other directions than bubblegum, it’s off to iTunes. Now, blushing from...
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Download Queen

I am having so much fun with my new iPod. When DH got one for his birthday, I thought, “That’s cute. I don’t think I need one of those.”Oh, so wrong. Once I realized that he would stock his iPod with all that weird atonal music he loves, like the Lounge Lizards, Nick Cave, and Bruce Cockburn, I also realized that I’d have to get my own. Now I have become the Queen...
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