Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot, Dot

Need a break? Dial up the Nestlé Crunch hotline: 1-800-295-0051. Listen to the message, then wait about ten seconds after the “For English, Press 1; for Spanish…” option. It will then ask you if you want Piglatin. In Piglatin. Then it’ll give you some other options (I recommend Option 4). Once you get that deep into the menu, it’ll give you a plethora of choices; my...
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They’ve finally opened a yoga studio in my lovely little hometown. That may seem like indulgence, but believe me, when trying for fitness means loading up the car and a fight across traffic (therefore rendering much of the stress-relieving properties of fitness moot), having a studio that I could get to on foot is a real boon. I attended their opening day festivities, liked the energy, and...
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She’s Tidied Up, and I Can’t Find Anything!!

I have to say DH totally won the Christmas present sweepstakes. For the past several major events (anniversary, birthday, etc.), he’s asked what I want. Jokingly (not really), I’ve been telling him I want a house elf. You know, my own personal Dobby who will keep things tidy and bring me a sammich when I’m having a snack attack at midnight. Amazingly, he found someone. Her name...
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Why Men Shouldn’t Write Advice Columns

My college roommate sent me this in an email, but the .jpg isn’t enlarging well. Here’s a transcript, and enjoy!Dear John: I hope you can help me here. The other day, I set off for work, leaving my husband in the house watching TV. My car stalled, and then it broke down about a mile down the road, and I had to walk back to get my husband’s help. When I got home, I...
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Into the Wild

I’m playing hooky today and tomorrow for one of my own personal children…Frack and the fifth grade class are having their class campout. This means mimi is in for a decidedly unglamorous overnight trip. No makeup, layers, and Lord knows what else. Of course, it’s raining–Murphy’s Law lurches into effect whenever a momentous occasion such as this one presents itself....
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