Revision Blues

I used to be so positive about revising. I loved printing out copies of a draft on the backs of old paper, whipping out a favored pen–in purple, turquoise, hot pink, or some other fun color–and having at it. Revised pages had notations, additions, scribbles up the margins and on the back, arrows pointing hither and yon as I moved around sentences and paragraphs. With my first book,...
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Emo Vampires

My thoughts exactly. Sort of. “I’ll be back when the world grows a pair…of fangs.” *snerk*
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I <3 School Supplies!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been way more excited in the Office Depot or the Staples than I have ever been in the shoe department. Yes, I’m warped. But still, there’s something about fresh, new Dixon Ticonderoga pencils, Pink Pearl erasers, and riffly sheets of notebook paper that just gives me the shivers. New school supplies mark the beginning of an...
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The Gobi Desert

About 150 pages into her last novel, The Buccaneers, Edith Wharton wrote in her diary,What is writing a novel like?1. The beginning: A ride through a spring wood2. The middle: the Gobi desert3. The end: A night with a loverI am now in the Gobi desert.Honey, I’m camped there with you, and I think the camel ran off.One plus to meeting tĂȘte-a-tĂȘte with Dream Agent at RWA National is the...
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#writerfail Redux

For all I adore technology, I’m not a first adopter. It took a couple of years before I finally bought a cell phone, and I was practically the last person I knew to start texting. Although I belong to several email loops, I was a Facebook holdout until recently. I’m still on the fence about Twitter. After reading Jennifer Weiner’s post about Alice Hoffman and how not to use...
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